
Thank you for electing me into the East.   For the brothers who were unable to attend our installation, my word from the East was humble. I did not propose any major changes for this year. 

Our Junior Past Master accomplished a lot. The successful golf tournament of 2015 generated scholarship funds for this and future years. I appointed our Senior Warden to act as the Chairman of the 2016 Golf Tournament. Having worked the position last year, I appreciate the daunting task ahead of him. I ask that any and all brothers, willing and able, please assist the Senior Warden in making his year as successful if not better than my year as Chairman.

The success of the Tournament relies upon assistance from everyone in Fernley Lodge #34. Please keep in mind that the success of the Senior Warden in planning and organizing the 2016 Golf Tournament establishes our credibility as a lodge in our community. The 2015 Golf Tournament set a record for scholarship fundraising in our Lodge.  With more assistance, the 2016 Golf Tournament could set a higher bar for our Lodge. 

There is a tentative date of February 27, to hold a Fellow Craft Degree for Brother Eric Lawrence. Officers MUST be present for formal opening at 11am, lunch to follow (11:15/30).  The Degree will begin at noon. I encourage all brothers to attend in support of Brother Lawrence. We cannot grow the craft without support of the craft!

I extend great thanks to Brother Westin for sitting in the West and all Past Masters in attendance at the last stated meeting.   My brethren, attendance was exceptionally low at our first stated meeting. If not for the visitation from Churchill Lodge there would have only been about 4 or 5 brothers sitting in the south. Attendance at our meetings is paramount in keeping our lodge functional.

This is a rebuilding year for us. Our District Deputy Grand Lecturer has expressed that he is impressed with the work of the corps of officers. The officer corps can only improve with greater support of the brethren attending meetings and assisting us.


Worshipful Master