Fernley Lodge #34 Free & Accepted Masons Fernley, Nevada

Fernley Lodge #34 F. & A. M.

Stated Meeting: 2nd Thursday of the month
6:30 p.m. Dinner, 7:30 P.M. Meeting


P.O. Box 297
40 East Street Fernley, NV 89408
(775) 575-2899

Instituted March 31, 1921

Stated Meeting: Thursday, March 10, 2016. 

CALLED MEETING: March 26 2016, 11:00 a.m. 1st Degree. Lunch at 11:30 
Degree starts at noon.

From the West:

I would like to start by giving a tip of the hat to our Worshipful Master and the degree team for a very well done Fellow Craft Degree for Brother Eric Lawrence on February 27. 

Our next degree will be an Entered Apprentice Degree for Steve Picha on March 26th. Officers MUST be present for formal opening at 11am, Lunch to follow (11:15/30).  The Degree will begin at noon. To ensure the best floor work possible there will be practices on the 4th Thursday in March (3/24) at 6:30 pm at the Lodge, SW to provide pizza.  

Unfortunately, we had barely enough brothers in attendance on February 27 to put on the degree and hope that more will attend on March 26th to help welcome our new Brother.  It is a once in a lifetime event for the Candidate and can have a large impact on his future ties to the fraternity. 

Also, our Lodge's annual golf tournament will be on Saturday, August 6th, 2016.  Add this date in your calendar and endeavor to join in hopes of the continuance of this good cause and a day of brotherly comradery.  With this trestle board you will find a copy of both the team sign-up sheet and the sponsorship form.  Please feel free to share them as we attempt to get an early start on our labors this year. 

W. Shattuck
Senior Warden


From the South: 

The meal for this meeting is going to be the good old traditional corned beef and cabbage. I look forward to seeing everyone there.

Junior Warden